
Most people have some concerns about taking part in a clinical trial because they’re not really sure what it will mean for them.
We will always be there to answer all your questions and concerns related to trials.

Understanding Clinical Trials

What is the purpose of clinical research?
How do medical breakthroughs result from clinical trials?
Why are clinical trials essential for advancing healthcare?
How can I contribute to medical progress through clinical trials?
What role do clinical trials play in shaping treatment options?

Participant Involvement

Who is eligible to take part in clinical trials?
What advantages does participating in clinical trials offer?
How can I become a valued participant in clinical research?
What benefits do I gain from engaging in medical research studies?
What steps are involved in the participant selection process for clinical trials?
How do I find clinical trials that match my medical condition?

Trial Procedures and Phases:

What does participation entail during a clinical trial?
How do clinical trial phases progress and what do they evaluate?
What should I expect during the various phases of a clinical trial?
How do I stay informed about the progress of the trial I participate in?
What role do researchers and medical professionals play during trials?

Safety and Ethics

What measures ensure participants' safety during clinical trials?
How do clinical trials adhere to ethical standards and patient rights?
What steps are taken to minimize risks for trial participants?
What ethical guidelines guide the conduct of clinical research?
How are conflicts of interest managed to ensure unbiased trial outcomes?
What happens if a participant experiences an adverse event during a trial?

Informed Decision-Making

What information should I know before joining a clinical trial?
How does informed consent empower participants' choices?
What ongoing support is available to participants throughout the trial?
How do I ensure I am making an informed and empowered choice?
How are participant confidentiality and data privacy maintained during trials?
What factors should I consider when deciding to participate?

Regulatory Oversight and Roles

What regulatory bodies oversee the conduct of clinical trials?
What is the significance of adhering to Good Clinical Practice (GCP)?
How does CIT stay updated with evolving regulatory requirements?
How does the FDA contribute to the safety and efficacy of trials?
What is the Independent Review Board's role in clinical research?
How does CIT ensure compliance with international regulations and guidelines?

Participant Concerns and Considerations

What role does a placebo play in clinical trial designs?
Can I opt out of a clinical trial after it has started?
What happens if I experience side effects during a trial?
How are my existing medical conditions considered in trials?
What steps does CIT take to address participant concerns and provide timely responses?

Participant Concerns and Considerations

What role does a placebo play in clinical trial designs?
Can I opt out of a clinical trial after it has started?
What happens if I experience side effects during a trial?
How are my existing medical conditions considered in trials?
What steps does CIT take to address participant concerns and provide timely responses?

Compensation and Benefits

Do participants receive compensation for taking part in trials?
What non-monetary benefits can I gain from participating?
How and when will I receive patient compensation?
Will patient compensation affect my eligibility for government assistance programs?
How is compensation determined for participants in clinical trials?
How does CIT ensure that compensation does not compromise participant safety or ethical conduct?
Can patient compensation influence my medical insurance coverage?
Is patient compensation taxable?